Monday, May 28, 2007


I have been tagged
(thanks reneedesigns!)
So seven facts about myself:

1. I have a neurotic cat with an electrical wire fixation named Moby (assoc. Dick, Starbuck, black cat)
2. I love travelling to remote corners of far flung countries for extended periods of time
3. I have a serious chocolate habit
4. I have zero talent for languages (and have recently gone deaf in one ear - perhaps I really am meant to focus on the visual)
5. I have never been so happy since escaping the clutches of the corporate world. I do not miss cubicle life or middle managers in the slightest!
6. I adore HOT spicy Thai curries (followed by a small piece of the highest quality chocolate I can afford!)
7. (OK - two out of six facts encompass food, perhaps that says more than anything!) - I am writing a cookbook based on favourite family recipes of ancestors and relations, illustrated with their photos. (Make that 3 of 7.....)

I will now as per the "game" tag the following 3 talents:
simonewalsh, flickaalice, allthingslittleput


marsha said...

It's great to have been tagged ... and it's wonderful reading about others and their likes and dislikes etc ... cool post! Also, we can be Thai curry partners! The spicier the better! =) My fave is the Thai green curry, which I cook on a more than usual basis ... lol.

E and E Bungalow said...

That's so great that you're writing a cookbook! Is this something you'll put out for the public to see? Also, your rings are beautiful- I love your "square the round" ring.

Renee said...

Glad to know about you. Very cool about the cookbook. I love food and cooking so much I joined a supper club.