Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wild Life

So I am out in my studio at the bottom of my property yesterday afternoon - it's a gorgeous day, sunny, 30 degrees (mid 80's for those south of the border!), wind in the trees, radio burbling away in the background, and I am happy at my bench creating some new rings and necklaces.....

I look up and there's a HUGE racoon coming into my studio - I leap about 4 feet in the air and scream, racoon takes off up the nearest tree (60 foot oak) and then all hell breaks loose!! He has disturbed some birds who are nesting, obviously he is threatening their young brood - they are dive bombing him and creating the loudest cacophony you can imagine... this goes on for about half and hour or more. I am feeling so guilty, its my fault the racoon is up there...

Later I hear more mayhem from across the yard - my cat Moby is having a field day with an injured young bird - of course this I can deal with - Moby is chased off and the wee bird recovers enough to fly off. Is this the same bird family traumatised earlier?

Can't wait to visit the peace of my studio again this one with nature..

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